
Average score 204 Reviews
Cécile P noted on Google

Jamais déçu de commander chez Ikko sushi (Translated by Google) Never disappointed to order from Ikko sushi

2 years ago
Mathieu Lloung noted on Google

2 years ago
Chloe Bchn noted on Google

2 years ago
Claire Martin noted on Google

2 years ago
Ali Oruncak noted on Google

Très bon rapport qualité/prix, à refaire si je suis dans le coin, je recommande.

2 years ago
Chabinn La noted on Google

2 years ago
Noémie Afatsawo noted on Google

excellent pour des prix plus que raisonnables! et le personnel est très sympa. je recommande :)

2 years ago
singh sukhchain noted on Google

2 years ago
Sabrina Boulogne noted on Google

2 years ago
Jean-Pierre CARRON-BEUF noted on Google

2 years ago

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